It has been brought to the Township's attention that Bright Speed is conducting door-to-door sales.
Summit Township requires a solicitation permit. If anyone comes to your door, please request to see the permit. If they do not have a permit, direct them to come to the municipal building at 502 Bonniebrook Road, Butler, PA to obtain one.
The Township likes to confirm the legitimacy of the company and obtain the contact information of the salesperson and their vehicle.
All zoning/building permits require an appointment. To obtain your permit, please call 724-285-1168.
For planning purposes, keep in mind that it may take up to two weeks to process a building permit.
To confirm whether your project requires a permit, please call the above referenced telephone number.
For removal of dead deer along a Township road, please call the game commission at 814-432-3187.
For deer along a State road, please call PennDOT at
Butler County's Environmental Mission is to establish a sustainable community for the health and safety of its residents,and through the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan, demonstrate governmental leadership and responsibility by promoting waste minimization, resource conservation and pollution prevention practices.
Click on the image above to visit the Butler County-wide recycling website for more info.
We love our residents, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
502 Bonniebrook Road, Butler, Pennsylvania 16002, United States
Office: 724-285-1168 Fax: 724-285-7677 Email: summittwp1@zoominternet.net
Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Summit Township Municipal Building
502 Bonniebrook Road
Butler, PA 16002
Phone: 724-285-1168
Fax: 724-285-7677
Email - summittwp1@zoominternet.net
Copyright 2023 @ Summit Township